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Integrate with Bloomreach
Integrate with Bloomreach
Updated over 9 months ago

You can integrate your account directly with Bloomreach.

An integration between and Bloomreach does three things:

  1. Automatically sends contacts acquired in your account to Bloomreach.

  2. Automatically suppresses existing contacts in your Bloomreach account.

  3. Ability to set up custom filters to sync filters (ie, send leads from different domains to different lists or ESPs).

Please click here for the guide to setup our Reclaim Add to Cart and Viewed Product events.

Using Exponea Segment?

If you are using the Exponea segment, it is recommended to append a cookie to our collection script. By adding the cookie to the script, it will be used as the customer_ids field.

​If no cookie is appended to the payload, we will default to ​using the email as identifier for the events.

Click here for more information on including custom identifiers.

See below for an example on how to add a cookie to your collection script:

//Set the Exponia cookieID
var exponeaCookie="XXXXXX";

//Create an object using the id
var userIdentifier = {user_id:exponeaCookie};

//Call identify
//** Ensure this function is called BEFORE the!

//Call Page};

What you'll need

1. Your Bloomreach API Base URL, Project Token, API Key ID, and API Secret. To find these, go to Settings > Project settings. Then, click API > Add key.

2. Give the key a name, and click Create.

3. Update permissions to include ALL Customer Properties and Event permissions:

4. Update GDPR settings. Make sure the GDPR settings under Group Permissions are also all selected.

Copy the API Secret to your clipboard (and save this since you won't be able to copy it again). Click Close.

5. Then, copy your Project token, API Base URL and API Key ID.

6. You will also need to setup a segment for the contacts we send you. Ask your Retention Client Success Manager to enable send integration identifier and seed a contact for your account. Then, go to Analyses > Segmentation.

7. Then, click New Segmentation. Set up a segment for the contacts using this logic, and click Save Segmentation:

data_source > equals > GE

8. Use this segment to trigger events in the email flow for our contacts.

To get started

1. Click on Integrations from the left navigation panel in Then, click Available Integrations at the top and choose the Bloomreach icon.

2. Activate Grow and/or Reclaim. Enter your Bloomreach API Base URL, Project Token, API Key ID, and API Secret. Then, click Connect.

3. Set up Contact Suppression. Once you enable automatic suppression, will sync your regular, opt-in list from your ESP and add it to your suppression list. This prevents you from paying for contacts you already have. Once you’ve enabled this option, the sync will run daily at 6 p.m. EST.

Choose YES to suppress contacts.

To set up the Recent contacts Segment ID for suppression, go to Analyses > Segmentations > New Segmentation in Bloomreach.

Name the segment Recent Contacts, and set the below criteria.

consent > timestamp > less than > 2 days > ago
AND category > equals > email

Click to Save segmentation. The Recent contacts Segment ID you'll need for our suppression is the full number in the URL (example is partially blurred).

4. When you're finished with the suppression setup, click Next in

5. Click Yes to upload your contacts to Bloomreach. Then, choose whether you want to enable custom sync options.

If you check the box to enable custom sync options, that will display five options: filter by email domain, full or portion of a landing page URL, landing page domain, state*, and referrer URL.

*Please note that State data is only available on legacy plans that include address.

This feature allows you to filter your contacts before you send them to your ESP. For example, you can send all contacts who hit different landing pages to separate lists. Or, send all of your California leads to one ESP and Texas leads to another.

Email domain: This field auto-fills/populates with email domains (ex. Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL, etc.) from your collected contacts.

Full or portion of a landing page URL: If you’ve put the script on several pages or the entire site, this field allows you to pull out contacts who have only hit Landing Page A or Landing Page B. This option does not auto-populate, so you will have to add in the exact URL.

Landing page domain: If you added script to both and, for example, the landing page domain would be either or This field will auto-populate.

State: This filter allows you to pull out only contacts from one or more states. Note that State data is only available on legacy plans that include address data.

Referrer URL: This is the URL the contact comes to your site from.

When you're finished, click Next.

6. Click Yes to Enable your Reclaim event sync. Click Next.

7. Enable the Bloomreach integration, and click Finish. Once you enable the integration, your collection sync settings will apply and begin if your script is turned on.

8. Once the integration is complete, you will see the integration date, API details, sync summary, and more. You can also Remove the integration from this page at the top.

Integration Settings

From your Integration's Settings page, you can access, change, or update any of the following:

  • Your API key

  • Grow or Reclaim Activation

  • Suppression settings

  • Grow Sync settings, including the list you're syncing contacts to

  • Sync summary

  • Reclaim sync

To access any of these settings, click Integrations > Dots > Settings.

Sync summary

You can view your daily sync history under Sync Summary on your integration page. It will show you the date, number of completions, if there are any failures, and the number that are in the queue.

Click on a specific date for details, or, to access all of your sync history, click View Full History under Sync Summary. If there's a failure, it will show the email address, what type of failure has occurred under ESP Feedback, and the date and time of the failure.

If you have questions about the error message, you can contact support at support[at]retention[dot]com.

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