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Integrate with Zapier
Updated over 12 months ago

You can integrate your account directly with Zapier. An integration between and Zapier automatically sends contacts acquired in your account to Zapier, into a list of your choosing. Once the integration is active, it will not back-sync contacts, only the ones going forward. Note: Zapier does not offer automatic suppression via integration. You will need to manually upload your suppression file. (See Manually Suppress Contacts below.)

What you'll need

1. Your API Key and API ID. Find these in your Dashboard by clicking My Account > API Details. (API Details are only for paying accounts.)

To get started

1. Click on Integrations from the left navigation panel in Then, click Available Integrations at the top and choose the Zapier logo.

2. After signing into your Zapier account (if prompted), click Accept Invite & Build a Zap.

3. Click Create Zap.

4. Choose, or type into the search bar and then select it.

5. Click Continue.

6. Sign in to your account, if prompted. Enter your API Key and API ID. Click Yes, Continue.

7. Choose to either Test & Review or Test & Continue — or you can skip this test.

8. Choose which app you want the leads collects to go to. If it's not listed under Your Apps, type in the app name into the search bar. Click the correct app.

9. This will display the app you chose and the event you want to occur. Click the drop-menu under Choose Action Event to pick what you want to happen to the collected leads.

10. Sign in to the app you chose. Depending on the app, you may have to provide your username, password, AP ID and/or API Key. Once you're logged in, click Continue.

11. The action event you chose from Step 8 will determine what information you'll need to fill out. Complete all of the required information and any other optional sections you want to use. Click Continue.

12. After all of the parameters are set, click Done Editing.

13. In, go to Integrations and then Zapier's Integration Settings to Enable the integration.

Manually suppress contacts

To prevent collecting contacts already in your Zapier account, you will need to manually suppress them by uploading a CSV file.Suppression lists loaded as a CSV file are converted into encoded MD5s for security reasons. We do not use, share, or resell this data for any purpose other than to prevent users from collecting and paying for contacts they already have.To upload a Suppression List, click on Suppression Lists in the left-hand navigation.Here are the file requirements for upload:

  • Your file should only contain ONE column, labeled “email”.

  • You’ll also need to save it as an Excel .CSV file.

  • Maximum file size is 100MB. If your file is larger than this, split it up into several smaller files.

Once the file has uploaded, you will see a green box in the top-right corner that says your file has been uploaded and is in the queue to be processed. Once that’s complete, you’ll see the stored file listed under the corresponding date:

After you upload the initial file, you will need to continue uploading a CSV file to suppress contacts. How often you need to upload a CSV suppression list (ex. daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) will depend on how many contacts you collect in Zapier.

Sync summary

You can view your daily sync history under Sync Summary on your integration page. It will show you the date, number of completions, if there are any failures, and the number that are in the queue.

To access all of your sync history, click View Full History under Sync Summary. If there's a failure, it will show the email address, what type of failure has occurred under ESP Feedback, and the date and time of the failure.

If you have questions about the error message, you can contact support at support[at]retention[dot]com.

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